EIZO, for example, provides the ColorNavigator software for its ColorEdge series that performs the calibration directly on the screen and can therefore deliver better results.

In the case of high-quality screens, you will also sometimes find programs for screen calibration that are adapted to the specific screen.
Usually, you buy these colorimeters in a package with a suitable programme, for example, the i1Display Pro or the Spyder4. To calibrate your screen, you need a suitable programme and a colorimeter. It is very important for Windows users to bear in mind that the moment you calibrate your screen, only those programs that observe the screen profile will display the correct colours! Any programme that ignores the screen profile will then display the wrong colours (and this sometimes also includes the Windows Picture Viewer and simple image viewers like IrfanView). Only when the correct colours are displayed on your screen during editing, can you reliably predict how the colours will look in print. If your screen shows the wrong colours, you are more or less working blindly. If you want to be really sure, you should check this by calibrating the devices. Perhaps the sRGB conversion provided with your devices is very good and no further calibration is necessary. Everyone must decide for themselves how important colours are to them. Because even if the colour representation may not be perfect, it will still be better than if no calibration is used. But I think screen calibration, in particular, is very useful. There are photographers who say ‘It will never be perfect anyway’ and so reject any form of calibration.

The higher the quality of the measurement sensor and the more colours are measured and therefore entered into the profile, the more accurate the result will be. These deviations are measured over many colours and a profile is created for the specific device. With cameras and scanners, you take a colour chart and compare the result with the values expected for the colour chart. In general, profiling is carried out by getting the device to show a colour and then measuring with a measurement sensor to see how much the displayed colour deviates from the desired colour.
The best thing would be to create a tailor-made profile for each device and update it regularly. The more accurate and up-to-date these device profiles are, the better the colours are matched. The quality of a colour-accurate process depends not only on the quality of the devices involved but also on the quality of the profiles used for them.